XERA: Survival is a free-to-play action-focused, open world survival TPS (third-person shooter) game for PC (Windows) by New Zealand studio Spotted Kiwi Interactive. The game is played in PvPvE against fellow mercenaries and lethal XOIDS, and became free-to-play on July 8, 2021. In XERA, you get to raid for resources alone or with team-mates, build and defend your base, stash your gear and survive against the odds. You are the hunters. You are the hunted. And the robots never sleep…
Game Features
▶ Modern, action-oriented open world shooter: raid as a lone wolf or teamed with friends. Drop straight back into the fight via rapid helicopter insertions from safe zones. Streamlined survival mechanics for people who value action over micro-management.
▶ All-new base-building system for Season 4: gather resources, build, raid, defend & destroy. Gather resources & scavenge for weapons, ammo and supplies – craft items such as drones. Massive custom 64 sq km map – new for Season 4 – 4x the area of our original world.
▶ All new mission system with Season 4: rewarded campaign operations – 5 difficulty tiers. COMING SOON Daily missions, also with meaningful player rewards. Regular in-game events: nuclear reactor, compound assault, radio tower, civilian bunker, crashed helicopter – the higher the risk, the greater the reward.
▶ All new character customization: body type, face, skin, hair, brow, eyes, & full clothing system. Collect weapon skins and other customizations, trade up – swap commoner items for a rarer one. Steam Marketplace support – trade and sell skins – complete your collections! Compete for every Season’s leaderboard positions in different categories.
▶ Direct line to development team in our Discord channel: Public Roadmap that shows what we have planned for Early Access and beyond: https://trello.com/b/yGBsrAZF/xera-survival-public-roadmap. Commitment to a fair business model for the players – no punishing monetization.
Game Plot
The era of AI has arrived. The world is in chaos after a prototype combat robot – banned by law and awaiting secure destruction by XERA Corporation – became self-aware, escaped and began replication. Failed attempts to remotely shut down the AI simply triggered a war that humanity could not afford to lose.
Nation turned on nation in a fight for control over resources to defend against the robots. With the attention of the world’s military elsewhere, disenfranchised operatives have gathered to ransack what was left of the XERA Corporation’s facilities, setting up two forward operating bases, safe zones on each side of the forest that was the hiding place for mankind’s greatest failure of leadership.
Between these bases there are no rules of engagement, as for some, nothing less than the future of the human race is at stake; for some there is a potentially boundless paycheck; and for others perhaps, political leverage. For all, the sole imperative is survival.
But then again, no one expected the robots to be waiting.
XERA: Survival Screenshots