Therian Saga is an open world sandbox-style asynchronous role playing game for the PC in which players explore the rich and elaborate world of Myriaden, progress through a compelling storyline, all while navigating an entertaining and complex crafting system. You can learn over 20 trades and create a large and diverse range of objects. Your heroes, with the help of their companions, progress in a world of endless possibilities. Therian Saga is free to play, multiplayer, right in your browser.
Game Fetaures
Skills: One of your goals will be to increase your hero’s skills in order to progress in your chosen fields of expertise. Strategy and perseverance will be needed to reach the highest ranks in the game. You can learn over 20 trades and create a large and diverse range of objects.
Companions: Companions are characters who follow you in your adventures. They may come in human or animal form, or be fantastic creatures you’ve never seen before. You will have to provide leadership or use your taming skills to surround yourself with companions who will evolve with you over time.
Equipment: Careful selection of equipment is of paramount importance. It will have a direct impact on your heroes’ skills, whether they go off to war, or stay in their workshops creating armor.
Exploration and Quests: Exploring the continent will allow your heroes to discover various regions with unique natural resources. Some of those places will be civilized and safe, but others will be hostile and highly dangerous. Your heroes will be offered many quests during their expeditions. Undertaking these quests will help your heroes discover the world around them, and guide them during their peregrinations.
Dungeons and Combat: Exploration quests will lead your heroes into a series of dungeons where they will fight many creatures. Hostile territories are also inhabited by various kinds of monsters, which are always ready to defend their territory. Take up Residence Your heroes can take up residence wherever they please, and gain the benefit of the surrounding resources.
Put on your artisan’s tunic: and create masterpieces that will elevate you to the ranks of the kingdom’s greatest artisans.
Become a famous explorer: by braving hostile territory, discovering unknown lands and returning with sought-after materials.
Become an experienced laborer: such as a miner or lumberjack, gaining the trust and confidence of the wealthiest lords and providing them with resources with a variety of extraordinary properties.
Study the strange creatures: of this new world, then tame and train them to become your most loyal allies.
Grab your shovels, trowels and planes: to build estates the people will marvel over, or lay the first bricks of a city that will delight counts, barons and duchesses for decades to come.
Therian Saga Screenshots