NEWS ➢ New F2P MORPG Overkill Trailer (PC/Console/Mobile)

Global F2P games leader Nexon today unveiled details on new games in development at the company’s studios in Seoul, South Korea, including Overkill, a free-to-play side scrolling brawler similar to older Nexon’s game Dungeon Fighter.

About Overkill

‘Project Overkill’ is a 3D action RPG developed to replace Nexon’s super IP ‘Dungeon Fighter’, which has maintained an unrivaled No. 1 position in China in the online action RPG genre, in the modern age. It is a new attempt by Nexon that overcomes various limitations that could not be realized in 2D.

Overkill Release

Overkill is currently in-development by NEOPLE INC., a consolidated subsidiary of Nexon. Overkill is set to release first in South Korea with closed beta tests starting end of 2021.
Planned supported operating systems include PC, Consoles (Xbox One & X/S, PS4, PS5, and Nintendo Switch) and Mobiles (iOS, Android).

Posted on: August 5, 2021 - by Mike (admin)
Category: F2P NEWS