Mythos is an online, competitive action role-playing game from HanbitSoft and T3Fun that is free to download and free to play. The game is set in a fantasy world (Woold) reborn out of the ash created by endless dark wars. Players will be able to play varied roles of heroes and explore deep into the once ash world. The game boasts exciting adventures, diversified quests and random instances. The game will also feature user-friendly interface and controls, zoomable views, as well as the capacity to allow interactive adventures for thousands of players. The game allows thousands of players to interact within the same world while using mostly “instanced” dungeons to create unique gaming experiences suited for both solo and group-minded players.
The clouds of large stars, called nebulas, are spread within the abyss of the universe; they are so immense that their actual size cannot be measured. The nebulas are filled with all kinds of materials from the far reaches of the universe thereby allowing them to produce essentially anything. Also,
the nebulas work as ‘Libraries of the Universe,’ where they contain all sorts of records from the universe past, present, and future.
The nebulas were originally in a chaotic state. However, similar types of material in the nebulas started to condense together over time. The course of condensation created objects in the form of stars and spiritual entities in the form of Gods.
A God would have equal presence to any given star.
There are numerous stars and Gods in the nebulas.
Sometimes, they would clash with each other
and operate irregularly and at times,
massive explosions would occur
from the colliding stars.
Battles among the Gods raged
endlessly in the enigmatic nebulas.
Uld is a planet that is located at the end of the nebula, where the stars of the Gods flicker constantly. The nebulas expand and contract themselves periodically, causing Uld to fluctuate between the inside and outside boundaries of the nebulas.
The Gods realized their power gets stronger when their worshippers gain more power. The Gods rushed to confront the races of Uld to fight against each other. And thus the Dark Age began in Uld while all kinds of savagery, magic, and unthinkable atrocities were ridden throughout.
When Uld is outside of the nebulas’ reach, civilizations flourished in the order of a rational and scientific age.
At present, planet Uld has suffered the Dark Age for hundreds of years and finally, it is coming out of the nebulas. The Gods who cannot escape the nebulas are also receding from Uld. Civilized races such as Satyrs, Humans, Gremlins, and Cyclopes are reconstructing civilization in parts of Uld that turned into a wasteland.
Mythos Screenshots