Line of Sight is an online FPS game, developed by a small independent studio, that trying to bring many unique features and innovative systems, such as detailed character and weapon customization. Line of Sight takes place in a modern military setting in a twisted reality. To describe it in one sentence, “Bioshock(tm) meets Call of Duty(tm) in a multi-player game.” Sure, it’s an overstatement but we have no better(shorter) way to describe it. Our unique Psionics Abilities will enable you to have a unique game experience. The first batch of these unique Abilities are only the beginning and there are lots more to come in the near future.
Game Features
Next-Gen Graphics: LoS graphics push the latest GPUs to the limit and it is also optimized to run on low-end graphics well.
Unique Game Contents: SuperPower includes Psionic Abilities where you can inflict large damages to your enemies, and ESP, a magic power often seen in RPG games.
Weapon Tuning System: LoS features the best in its class and realistic weapon tuning system for all weapons. It includes not only primary weapons but all secondary weapons which will have many customization options.
Character Customization System: Line of Sight has the most detailed weapons tuning system but it just doesn’t stop there, likewise, the character customization features also a highly customizable system.
Real-time Built-in Statistics Analysis: Line of Sight will analyze your game play statistics by map, weapon, game mode, etc. User can have overview of their progress and also study and learn from the gameplay data, all available directly within the game.
Social Network System: Line of Sight integrates Facebook into the client directly. You can use your own Facebook profile image and invite your Facebook friends to play the game together.
Built-in Ranking Match System: Line of Sight provides Ranking Matches for both Individuals and Clans. The ranking data is immediately updated upon completion of each match so that user can see the changes in rankings in real-time.