FreeStyle Street Basketball is a free-to-play basketball sport MMO with fantasy elements. The game has an experience-based leveling system. When a player reaches a certain EXP or experience requirement, they will level up and be rewarded with Attribute points. Attribute points are used to improve the character’s skills such as running, jumping, dribbling, stealing and passing.
During character creation, the three main characters are presented. They are the Center(basketball) (C), the Forward (F) and the Guard (G). This classification is from level 1 to 15 with different skills depending on what your player position is. The Center is the big one on the game taking care of the rebounds and fast 2 points assisted inside. The Forward is the assistant of the center which plays in the middle shooting effective for making 2 points, box outs and screenings. The Guard is mainly the point maker of the game which deals for making the game play and creating big 3 point shots. When reaching level 15, you can now choose the second positions except for Centers.
Generally, Centers(C) stays as Centers and specializes their abilities when it comes to defensive and offensive plays inside. Centers exceeding the rookie level is almost impossible to contest with rebounding due to its boosted rebounding and jumping stats. Their boxing ability is difficult to contain making them elite interior nightmares. Their size is also to an advantage when putting up screens or picks to lure out chasing back courts.
Forwards(F) can now choose between Power Forward and Small Forward. The Power Forward (PF) has a great jump power which can help a lot the Center. PFs are generally quicker than Centers which they use as an advantage in positioning against the opposing Centers or other rebounders.. They also have a decent jump shot which improves their overall arsenal. On defense, the Power Forward main role is to guard the interior or mid area and rebound missed attempts. They have a high jump stat which keys the rebounding. During offense, dunks are usually the show and play of the Power Forward, they showcase dunks which are hard to block since it requires precise timing from the defender. The Small Forward (SF) generally complies with speed assisting the Guards, also capable of making 3 point shots. The middle area is their specialization where they unleash their primary killer artillery, the almost sure jump shot. On defense, SFs can be pesky defender, with their movement speed much faster than Centers or PFs, this attribute edges other front courts. A good Guard faced up against good defending SF will probably find it hard to penetrate or to ankle break resulting in unwanted turnovers. SFs can also grab boards but not as well as Centers or PFs. On offense, Small Forwards are generally versatile. Their multi-faceted game play allows them to score anywhere on the field making them a formidable offensive threat.
The Guards(G) can now be either a Shooting Guard or a Point Guard. The Shooting Guard is good on making a 3 point play outside for having a high 3 point percentage stats. Finding an open area for the Shooting Guard (SG) can be the best to make it successful. A well-played Shooting guard can single handedly take the game away due to its ridiculous 3 point shooting percentage. SGs can also be the turning point of the team to loose if he/she can’t deliver to score. Point Guard is the key of the game for making game plays. Most likely Point Guards (PG) has a specialized skills in passings and offensive 2 point plays such as alley oops and hook up passes. Point Guard unlike the Shooting Guard can pass more effectively while moving. This feature makes the Point Guard a lethal passer where and whenever. PGs also have excellent leaping and defending ability. On offense, unlike the SG, PG has a lowered 3 point percentage shot but they have excellent dribbling abilities which make them difficult to stay with. PGs utilize high dribbling stats to their advantage to successfully break the ankles of the defender opening the lane to shoot.
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