NEWS ➢ Free Unhack on Indiegala

DRM-free and Indie games-friendly platform Indiegala has partnered with game studio & publisher InvertMouse to give free copies of Unhack, a casual anime-themed puzzle game for PC (Windows). It isn’t known how long the giveaway will last, so better grab it ASAP.

Free copy of Unhack

Anyone can get a free copy of Unhack from IndieGala, at The game is usually priced around 4 USD and is a fine anime themed puzzle game, worth adding to your game collection/library if you are a fan of the genre. Moreover, this is a DRM-free version which allows you to transfer your copy anywhere you want and to duplicate it as much as you like (for your own personal use).
The game needs be added to an IndieGala account/library for it to be downloaded directly. It isn’t known how long the giveaway will be available for.

About Unhack

Unhack is a fine, casual indie anime-themed puzzle game for Windwos PC. The 5K Worm is on a rampage across cyberspace. As the top unhacker in Smash Security, it is your mission to bring an end to this virus. Join forces with AI companion Weedy and become an unstoppable duo!

Posted on: April 8, 2023 - by Mike (admin)