NEWS ➢ Free Sunblaze on GOG

Precision platformer Sunblaze is FREE to download (normally sold around $15) and keep forever on PC (Windows, Mac) until June 13, 2 PM UTC, courtesy of publishers Bonus Stage Publishing and, a global online retailer of DRM-free games (digital games that will remain fully yours once acquired).

The Sunblaze Giveaway

The game is offered for free (instead of around $15) in the simplest of forms until June 14, 2 PM UTC 2023. There are no requirements from GOG to get the game for free other than registering on in order to add the free product to your cart, before being able to download it straight away, or at anytime, for good. The free game can be found at

About Sunblaze

In this beautiful, hand-crafted precision platformer, you’ll play as Josie, aka. Sunblaze, with a mission to complete your superhero training. Your dad, a former superhero himself, built the training simulator dreaming of your journey to become a superhero. The simulator is full of puzzles, brain-tickling challenges, double jumps, dashes, spikes, drones… And a purrfect sidekick: the cat. You have got a cat. What else do you need?

Posted on: June 12, 2023 - by Mike (admin)