The popular DRM-free and Indie games-friendly platform Indiegala has partnered with game studios and publishers Atomic Fabrik and Cristian Manolachi to give away free copies of My Land!, a strategy adventure game for PC (Windows). It isn’t known how long this $4 value giveaway will last, so better grab it ASAP.
Where/how to claim a free copy of My Land!
Anyone can get a free copy of My Land! on IndieGala, on THIS PAGE. While the game is otherwise priced at around 4 USD, it is a fine strategy adventure game that deserves a place in your game collection/library, if you are a fan of the genre. Moreover, this is a DRM-free version which allows you to transfer your copy anywhere you want and to duplicate it as much as you like (for your own use).
The game can either be added to an IndieGala account/library, or downloaded directly without an IndieGala account. It isn’t known how long the giveaway will be available for.
About My Land!
The game My Land! comes to the rescue with a scenario that could have happened to you. This is a strategy game where you mission is to expand your land and in same time to defend it. A beautiful sunny day, the castle in the middle of the town, you with the crown on your head walking on a thoroughbred horse… what could be more beautiful than this in this story? And here it is come… The town is invaded by enemies. Take off the pink glasses, prepare your army, collect coins to improve the barracks and withstand the blow! Confirm once again who is the king in this area!