NEWS ➢ Free Desktop Dungeons on Steam

Publisher QCF Design is offering anyone a free copy of their turn-based roguelike game Desktop Dungeons for PC (Windows, Linux, Mac) on Steam, as a way to promote the sequel, Desktop Dungeons: Rewind. This $15 value gift will expire on April 25, 2023.

Where/How to claim Desktop Dungeons for free

All you need to do is go to the game’s Steam page ( and add it to your Steam account before April 25, 2023. The game will remain permanently yours once you claim it prior to this date.

About Desktop Dungeons

Each step into the unknown heals you and reveals new obstacles as you guide fresh heros to glorious retirement or ignominious death. Master tactical spells, appease ancient gods and get rich through taxidermy in this award-winning quick-play puzzle-roguelike.

Posted on: April 18, 2023 - by Mike (admin)