Eden Eternal, also known as Finding Neverland Online (Chinese) (FNO) is a free to play anime styled MMORPG developed by X-Legend and published by Aeria Games. The Open Beta was released on 15 June 2011. Critic praise its gameplay, graphic, game system and innovative guild but heavily criticized for its conventional item mall, story and levelling.
The player has been found trapped inside of a blue crystal and has no memory of anything that has happened to them before being found. Throughout the game, this person, also known as a “Crystal Child”, will try to look for clues about what has happened to them and the recent troubles that have been appearing around populated areas.
The game’s unofficial mascot is the Grass Mud Horse, (alpaca in the English version), which in-game, is a popular mount and method of transport.
Game Features
Class Freedom: Eternal Guardians possess so much power, they’re never limited to just one class per character. Start as a Warrior or Magician, then freely swap between classes as you unlock them. Characters will discover a total of 16 playable classes, on their journey through the Central Continent, from the nimble Thief class to the mystical Shaman class!
Blades, Bows, and Blasts: The combat in Eden Eternal is fast and furious, with powerful attacks from fearsome beasts coming from every side. The game’s one-of-a-kind Break Point System is designed to keep even the longest battles interesting–target a boss’s weaknesses to do extra damage, then watch as it becomes visibly injured and its attacks falter.
Creatures Great and Small: The Central Continent is home to a wide variety of beastly creatures and offers a total of five playable races to choose from. Stalwart humans, agile Hafkins, clever Zumi, waggish Anura, and brawny Ursun give players a wide variety of customization options. With five character slots available, you can even have one of each!
No Place Like Home: Every MMO has guilds, but in Eden Eternal, guilds can build their own towns! Construct and upgrade various buildings, from warehouse storage buildings to player housing, as you help your guild create its own bustling neighborhood.