Eclipse War is a new free-to-play MMORPG which thrusts you into a fantasy world where two races are battling for ultimate control of the continent, Karis. Harness the power of the living world around you and take the form of any of the monsters and beasts you find in this brand new adventure! Eclipse War Online brings different elements of PvP, including MOBA, together into one fierce war between two races, each featuring 4 playable classes at launch.
Game Features
An Ever-Changing War of Two Races: Live out the epic action when Rumen and Kaligo races clash! Each race features 4 playable classes at launch, Warrior, Battle Priest, Magic Stormer, and Hunter! Character builds will vary from every single player, and the use of Transformation cards will change the face of the battle on the fly! During PvP, temporarily steal selected skills from opponents you defeat on the field!
This is my Land!: Every species will benefit differently when fighting within their preferred habitat. Explore the wide range of different geographic locations in Karis!
PvP, Your Way: Eclipse War Online brings different elements of PvP together into one fierce war between two races. Choose to ambush and sabotage the enemy in open world combat. Or head into the battle arena for organized team matches. Eclipse War even offers an exciting new 3 Lane AOS type PvP mode complete with towers and minions!
Character Transformations: There is no reason for hunting to be a mindless grind anymore! All beasts and monsters in Eclipse War can drop a special Transformation Card, allowing your character to take their physical form. Each transformation has different stat boosts for different roles, and will allow the character to unlock special skills for each card!
A Living World: There are many different things that will constantly be changing the way you play! Learn what transformation to use based on your mission. All species have a combat advantage or disadvantage based on their target species!
Night & Day: All transformations have a certain time of day where they are most effective. Stalk the nights as a bloodthirsty corpse, or take to the daytime as a royal Sun Bear!
Eclipse War Screenshots