Argo Online is a free to play, 3D MMORPG, augmented with a TPS (Third-Person Shooter) mode. The setting takes place in a futuristic Earth that has been plunged into its 4th World War (called Seperstis), and players have the opportunity to play as one of the two surviving races – Noblian and Floresslah. There are currently 8 classes for each faction – totalling 16 playable classes. There are mounts of varying levels that can be upgraded and you can also have pets that help you by giving stat boosts to your character.
Game Features
Field War: The battle for Earthdium! Destroy all enemy mining tools to win, and the winning faction gains the right to harvest the Earthdium in the area.
Guild War: For players of level 30 and above! 100v100 on the field of battle, and you win by defeating the enemy fortress guardian.
Faction War: Once per week you fight for your faction! Floresslah versus Noblian, 18v18. Capture objectives and kill enemies to earn points. The faction with the most points after 30 minutes gets the chance to fight an epic boss, with incredible loot up for grabs!
Castle War: Once per week your guild can capture a Castle! Do this and you control the taxes for an entire region. But beware as only your guild can help you, everyone else is marked as an enemy, including the powerful Castle Guards and Towers!
Arena PvP: 10 minutes to glory! 3v3 and 5v5, you have ten minutes per match, and winning two matches makes your team the winners. Choose your party carefully!
Guild Housing: The guild master and vice master can bid to buy a guild house. Owning one grants everyone in the guild some great buffs.
Adventure system: Complete Adventure Quests, and increase your Adventure Rank. Higher ranks gives you access to exclusive NPCs selling excellent items, including gear and crafting materials.
Game Plot
In the 23rd Century, Earth witnessed its 4th World War, Seperstis, with unprecedented levels of destruction. From the ashes emerge two of the last warring factions – Noblians and Floresslah. Featuring huge guild housing, a Castle Wars siege system, and a unique TPS mode, the new world awaits you!
Argo Online Screenshots