NEWS ➢ RTS Classic Emergency Returns to PC as an F2P Coop Game

German developer Sixteen Tons Entertainment has announced the upcoming release of Emergency, the latest instalment in its award winning RTS game series. The game will be free to play on PC (Windows) and feature co-op gameplay.

Background Information

The first game in the series, Emergency – Fighters for Life, was released 25 years ago. Since then, several titles and spin-offs were released and received numerous international awards. The most recent titles in the series include Emergency HQ (iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch). This new PC edition is expected to release on Steam ( in the summer of 2023.

For 25 years, we have been setting high standards in game design and real-time strategy games featuring firefighters, police and technical units with our EMERGENCY series. With EMERGENCY for Steam, we are continuing our long-standing success story on PC in the summer of 2023 and look forward to presenting both experienced and new players with exciting rescue missions,
says Ralph Stock, founder and CEO of sixteen tons entertainment.

Emergency’s key features

Emergency will feature single-player and co-operative gameplay, rescue missions for up to four players (firefighting, manhunts, accident rescues, and more), a variety of weather conditions (storms, cold, and extreme heat), and versatile rescue vehicles (SWAT trucks, water tenders, ambulances).

Posted on: May 22, 2023 - by Mike (admin)
Category: F2P NEWS